My male dog is bleeding from his pens, he is very lethargic, hasn’t eaten in 2 days and I’m not sure what’s wrong. Any suggestions?



I am so sorry to hear that your dog is so unwell. From what you are describing it sounds possible that he could have ingested a toxin, have a urinary tract infection, an infection of the prepuce, or an issue with his kidneys. Because he is so lethargic and not eating I would suggest a trip to the veterinarian as soon as possible to a diagnosis and appropriate treatment. If you can collect a urine sample to bring in that would be helpful.

In the meantime you can try the following at home;

Keep up fluids with;
Pedialyte flavourless mixed with water 50/50
Low sodium chicken broth

Encourage eating;
Chicken boneless and cooked
Low fat ground beef cooked

Best of luck and ask any further questions you have here, we are here to support you. Thank you for using PetCoach.
