I just found out my baby has a liver shunt. Im so scared and sad. What is expected now? Is it possible to treat without surgery? Is he going to die? :( my vet hasnt recommended surgery yet as he says we shoukd try fixing it with a diet and medication first. What should i do to give him a long healthy life? Hes only 3months old



Poor Bruce! This is quite scary new, I know but it can be quite treatable. If you can afford it and for the best possible outcome, I would ask for a referral to a specialist. A specialist will be able to do a thorough abdominal ultrasound to see the shunt and determine what type of surgery might be needed. Surgery is the best option as it can usually repair the problem and he can live a normal life.

If this isn’t an option, then yes I would certainly try to manage it medically. You can switch to a special food and add in a medicine that will help decrease the toxins that his body isn’t able to get rid of on his own.

Unfortunately neither option is 100% guaranteed to work, but I have see good success with both especially with early intervention. I hope this helps and gives you some peace of mind. There are options. You just have to decide which is best for you and Bruce. Please let us know if you have additional questions. I have included an article with more information. Hugs!

