I my sheltie (32 pounds) experiencing arthritis 3 or 4 baby aspirin over four days. I know realize that was a bad thing to do. He coughed up small amounts each morning. The last baby a dpirrin was two days asgo. He’s been active and, other than the tiny amount of vomiting, has been happy with my grandk7ds and walking with me. Tonight, i realized he hasn’t been drinking his water. I gave him bright mind Purina and he ate only a little bit and vomited it up. He’s been sleepy all day. Restless toni



Sorry to hear that Jack isn't acting like himself. Baby aspirin over the course of few days, while not the most preferably of pain relievers in dogs, is not likely to cause significant ailments. Inappetence and vomiting however are some of the side effects caused by the drug, however, and might be to blame in this instance. They can cause gastric ulceration, though this usually occurs in larger quantities or with overdose. If he hasn't been drinking his water for just tonight, I wouldn't begin to panic just yet. If he continues not to drink for another 12 hours and/or vomits with greater strength or frequency, get him into a veterinarian for a diagnostic work up and/or treatment plan to get him feeling better. Be sure you tell your vet the exact point of time he last received an aspirin so that he knows if it is safe to prescribe other types of anti-inflammatory drugs without the risk of cross-reactivity. If Jack struggles with arthritis, he may benefit from having an anti-inflammatory available to him on days when he struggles the most - this would be a discussion for you and your vet to have. I would also encourage you to consider starting him on a supplement that contains fatty acids and glucosamine chondroitin. Hope this makes sense.
