My dog is a Chesapeake lab mix, female, 4 years old. She has been unable to hold down any food. Very weak and tired, trouble standing and walking, depressed, and just not her self. I don’t know if she ate anything unusual and I did find one tick on her but it was removed. This has been going on for about 2 weeks and I cannot afford the vet. Please please please help.



Poor Rylan! I'm sorry to hear that she's sick. I agree that these symptoms are very concerning. Being unable to keep down food and acting lethargic for two weeks indicates a serious problem. Unfortunately, these are vague symptoms that could be caused by lots of different things, so it's hard to say what might be wrong without being able to examine her and run some tests. She may have a GI problem such as pancreatitis or an intestinal blockage, a systemic illness like liver or kidney disease, or may have ingested something toxic.

I'm afraid that she does need to see a veterinarian - this is not something that can be treated at home. She needs some diagnostic testing as a starting point to help figure out what's wrong. Your veterinarian can advise you on what kind of treatment is needed depending on what is found.

If cost is a concern, you can see if there is a low-cost SPCA clinic in your area that could help, or apply online for Care Credit, which is a payment plan accepted by most veterinary clinics:
