Johnny is good at peeing on the pad now, but he always pee on the edge so that it leaks on the floor, is there anyway to help him pee at the center of the pad?



Thank you for contacting PetCoach with your question about Johnny. Oh that must be frustrating! You have to start from the basics. Begin by guiding him to the center of the pad to urinate. You may have to put him on leash to do this. Take him there often, such as every 45 minutes. In between that time, keep him near you to prevent him from going potty elsewhere or in a kennel if you can't supervise him. I know that's a pain, but it's for a short time period. Reward him every time he pees in the center of the pad, and by doing that, he will realize that the center of the pad is where he should go and will start doing it on his own. I hope this helps!
