
Tan cat litter box with litter and litter scoop







Cat litter urine clumps wrapped in plastic bag and placed in blue trash bin

云杉 / 安娜·卡德纳


第一个可堆肥垃圾实际上是一种称为富勒粘土的粘土。美国商人埃德·洛 (Ed Lowe) 意识到,由于这种粘土能够吸收水中的重量,因此它可以成为猫开展业务的绝佳基质。自 1947 年洛 (Lowe) 最初的灵光一现以来,各种不同的材料被用于不同的猫科动物。猫砂。粘土不再是唯一的选择。可生物降解的基材有多种,从压缩纸到玉米再到小麦。一些来源喜欢这些可生物降解的选择,因为它们是可生物降解的,因此可以堆肥。然而,我对此确实感到担忧。

猫的粪便可以携带比细菌更可怕的东西,比如大肠杆菌被原虫寄生虫感染的猫弓形虫 readily shed this parasite in their stool. Once shed into the environment, it can easily infect other animals and people as well. Some sources say that composting biodegradable cat litter for use in flower gardens only, never vegetable, is fine, it's not recommended to be so cavalier about something that could be a potential pathogen.


Toxoplasmosis doesn't cause clinical symptoms in most healthy adults, but if you contract it while you are pregnant, the parasite can cause complications to the fetus.

What About Flushing?

Clay-based litters are not flushable. The clay can wreak havoc on your plumbing. Some biodegradable litters, though, purport to be flushable on the packaging. Should you flush used cat litter, though? Flushing urine clumps is one thing, but it's not recommended to flush stool. This is for the same reason that it's not recommended to compost used cat litter. Even with modern waste water treatment systems, T. gondii and other intestinal parasites are often not caught and can stay in the water supply.

Cat litter itself may have come a long way since its humble beginnings in 1947 from non clumping to clumping, unscented to scented, and clay to biodegradable. Picking the right litter for your cat can be overwhelming (your cat will let you know if they like their litter or not based on how reliably they use it and how much they dig in it). Knowing what the best thing to do with your used cat litter, though, has remained the same for centuries. No need to over complicate it; used cat litter goes in the garbage.

Blue cat litter scoop over toilet bowl

The Spruce / Ana Cadena

The Best Litter Box Furniture for Disguising Your Cat's Bathroom
