When we got Sheldon two months ago he, over time got soft stools and lost a lot of hair. He was on the same food as the previous owners. We put him on Royal Canon Gastro Intestinal and his poops are fine now. Should we go back to the previous food that he was on or try something new? We are not sure if he got a bad tummy because of the new enviroment or if it was food related, since we didnt change his diet.



There is no correct answer to this question. You can go back to the previous food if you'd like and if doesn't seem to agree with him then you will know not to feed that food again. If you want to try a different food all together that is OK too. Just be sure to transition him to whatever food you chose SLOWLY as in the link below.

( petcoach.co/article/how-to-change-your-cats-food/ )
