My cockatiel has these symtoms: sneezing, twitching head, sitting on the bottom of the cage, trembling, squinting or half-closed eyes, and wet, stained or matted feathers around the head and shoulders. What could this be? Thanks!



Thanks for reaching out. Sounds as if your cockatiel might be regurgitating or have an upper respiratory tract infection. A veterinary visit is recommended, the sooner the better. Regurgitation can be caused by a crop obstruction or ingested foreign body, metabolic disorders (liver, kidney), toxic ingestion (heavy metals, plants, other) and other problems. Upper respiratory infections can be caused by bacterial, fungal or viral etiologies. Remove perches and place a soft towel on the bottom of the cage for comfort. Provide heat support in the 80-85 F range for aid. Ensure that food and water are within reach.
Good luck.
